globesystems Business Software GmbH - Hannesgrub Nord 30, 4911, Tumeltsham, AUT, Austria
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 210824k
- Company Status
- Country
- Austria
- Registered Address
- Hannesgrub Nord 30
- 4911
- Tumeltsham
- AUT Hannesgrub Nord 30, 4911, Tumeltsham, AUT AT
- Managing Directors
Mag. Thomas Erler (GESCHÄFTSFÜHRER/IN (handelsrechtlich))
Baumbach 24, 4912, Neuhofen im Innkreis, AUT
Company Details
- Type of Business
- Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
- Incorporated
- 2001-06-27
- Age Of Company 2001-06-27 23 years
- Activity
- Softwarehandel
- Shareholders
- Johann Schweighofer (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 8750 EUR, 25%) Ornetsmühl 51 4911 Tumeltsham AUT
- Mag. Thomas Erler (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 3500 EUR, 10%) Baumbach 24 4912 Neuhofen im Innkreis AUT
- Hildegard Schweighofer (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 9100 EUR, 26%) Ornetsmühl 51 4911 Tumeltsham AUT
- Dipl.Ing. Stephan Mathis (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 1750 EUR, 5%) Gutenbergstraße 18 4910 Ried im Innkreis AUT
- Michael Reichinger (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 1750 EUR, 5%) Mühlbachweg 9 4912 Neuhofen im Innkreis AUT
- DI (FH) Johannes Egger (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 1400 EUR, 4%) Diesseits 287/3 4973 St. Martin im Innkreis AUT
- Ing. Manfred Auzinger (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 1050 EUR, 3%) Ach-Siedlung 13 4950 Altheim AUT
- Stephan Obermayr (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 700 EUR, 2%) Korneredt 9 4791 Rainbach im Innkreis AUT
- Markus Hufnagl (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 700 EUR, 2%) Weinberg 6 4674 Altenhof am Hausruck AUT
- Markus Doppler-Söllinger (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 1050 EUR, 3%) Untertresleinsbach 7 4722 Peuerbach AUT
- Markus Unterberger (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 1400 EUR, 4%) Schloßstraße 26 4971 Aurolzmünster AUT
- Franz Einfinger (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 700 EUR, 2%) Maierhof 74 4971 Aurolzmünster AUT
- Georg Grünberger (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 1050 EUR, 3%) Antlangkirchen 33 4762 St. Willibald AUT
- Ing. Robert Kropp (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 700 EUR, 2%) Birkenweg 4 4924 Waldzell AUT
- Dominik Eder (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 700 EUR, 2%) Roßmarkt 29/1 4902 Wolfsegg am Hausruck AUT
- Bernhard Ruttinger (GESELLSCHAFTER/IN, 700 EUR, 2%) Pehring 28 4720 Kallham AUT
- Share Capital
- 35000 EUR
- Paidup Capital
- 35000
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Court
- Landesgericht Ried im Innkreis
- Previous Names
- BigBlue Business Software GmbH
- Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
- 98450062G0A57ED57A20
- Identnumber
- 5139031
- Phone
- 07752 810 50-0
globesystems Business Software GmbH Company Description
- globesystems Business Software GmbH is a Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung registered in Austria with the Company reg no FN 210824 k. Its current trading status is "live". It was registered 2001-06-27. It was previously called BigBlue Business Software GmbH. The declared activity is Softwarehandel. The managing director is Mag. Thomas Erler.It can be contacted at Hannesgrub Nord 30 by phone on 07752 810 50-0 .
Get globesystems Business Software GmbH Register ReportAnnual AccountsArticles of AssociationCredit Report by KSV1870Credit Check by KSV1870
You are here: Globesystems Business Software Gmbh - Hannesgrub Nord 30, 4911, Tumeltsham, AUT, Austria
- 2001-06-27
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
Announcements from the Firmenbuch
- 2024-01-24 Modification
- Für die Firma mit der offiziellen Registernummer *k wurde ein neuer Jahresabschluss eingetragen. Diese Bekanntmachung wurde im Firmenbuch mit der Vollzugsnummer * und Typ Änderung am *-*-* eingetragen.
globesystems Business Software GmbH
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for globesystems Business Software GmbH as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence
Annual Accounts
Financial data for the last reported full year
Articles of Association
Founding documents
Credit Report by KSV1870
Official credit data
Credit Check by KSV1870
Brief credit details
Official Filings
Company filings direct from the official registry.
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2005-07-01 - Liste d. Gesellschafter