Restaurant Kleefeld Xhafiqi Nehat - Mädergutstrasse 5 3018 Bern, Switzerland
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 03610568632
- Country
- Switzerland
- Registered Address
- Mädergutstrasse 5
- 3018 Bern Mädergutstrasse 5, 3018 Bern CH
Company Details
- Incorporated
- 2013-04-15
- Dissolved on
- 2013-10-04
- Activity
- Führen eines Gastronomiebetriebes.
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Additional Status Details
- Court
- CH/Bern
- Initial company number
- CH/03610568632
- Remarks
- 2013-10-01:Das Einzelunternehmen ist infolge Geschäftsaufgabe erloschen.
Restaurant Kleefeld Xhafiqi Nehat Company Description
- Restaurant Kleefeld Xhafiqi Nehat is registered in Switzerland with the Company reg no 03610568632. It was registered 2013-04-15. The declared activity is Führen eines Gastronomiebetriebes.. It can be contacted at Mädergutstrasse 5 3018 Bern .
Get Restaurant Kleefeld Xhafiqi Nehat Register Report
You are here: Restaurant Kleefeld Xhafiqi Nehat - Mädergutstrasse 5 3018 Bern, Switzerland
- 2013-04-15
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for Restaurant Kleefeld Xhafiqi Nehat as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence